Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Showers brings GIVEAWAYS!

Happy April GIVEAWAY! I am cuddled up with my little one, under a warm cozy blanket on the second day of April. Does Mother Nature have a sense of humor or what? However, the plus side of this bitterly cold weather is that I've stayed indoors and finished some projects! Which brings me to this month's giveaway:

I have loved having this very classy version of a white board to keep me organized. I am loving it so much that I made a 'mini' version for the giveaway! If you are like me, than you often lay in bed thinking of all of your 'to-do's' that you need to add to your list. I hate this nightly ritual. By the time my brain remembers all of the things I need to do the next day, I am so warm and comfy in my big bed that I refuse to crawl out into the cold to write them down! This mini glass board is the answer to our problems. Just keep it (and a dry-erase marker) by your bed & you will be more productive than ever! However, I must admit I was also tempted to cut 'love notes' in vinyl with the plan of leaving it on my husband's side of the bed. That way I could write him sweet nothings every's the thought that counts, right?
Rule: For a chance to win the mini board leave me a comment or email me at and consider yourself entered! Even if you have won in the past, feel free to enter again :)!

P.S. Cottage Quotes needs your help! If you have any pictures of finished vinyl projects where we have supplied the vinyl would you please email them to me. We would LOVE to post the talents of our customers!

Directions for Glass dry-erase Board
*I found my picture frame (11x15) at Wal*Mart, of course! I also scored the fabric there as well. I bought 1/2 yard, which was plenty! Try to choose a fabric that has a soft,light pattern so your list won't be hard to read.
*There are two ways to apply the fabric:

-I chose to hot glue the fabric to the matt that came with the frame. I then placed blank white sheets of computer paper between the matt and fabric so the outline of the matt wouldn't be visible. Replace matt and put backing on...wa-la!

-For the smaller board I hot glued fabric directly on the backing. I then placed it on my sewing matt and used an exact-o knife to cut excess off! wa-la!

-treat as a dry-erase board; using dry cloth to wipe!


Lott said...

Consider me entered, although I'm really going to want to make a full size board once I get settled again...if that ever happens.

Courtney said...

So cute, Misti! I think everything you make is adorable.

Susan F. said...

Me too!!!

Sarah said...

I want in. I about cried when I forgot to enter last months-- and you were so good at reminding us the whole time. So, on my to do list: 1. enter Misti's giveaway.
2. Win.

Mandy Beyeler said...

what a great idea!! you're site is full of great things!

Chelsea and Cody said...

I like the love note idea! (but...I am afraid my husband wouldn't go for that!) So, a "to do" board would be more functional in my home! Love it!

Megs said...

Alright, I'm feeling lucky this month!! That would look perfect in my craft room too!!

Jinny and Mick said...

Am I entered?? That is so cute, you have the cutest ideas and you are so crafty!

Becky Bean said...

I would die without my to-do I am loving this idea!

Unknown said...

Kindra's in.

DJ Fairhurst said...

DJ's in.

Romney Family said...

Like I said on your other blog what a great and cute idea!!

Emilee said...

Great idea!

Smitty n' Chelle said...

you have such great ideas. I wish I was a creative person. I need to order some vynl from you. I just need to figure out what I want. maybe I can win something! haha

Nykreim said...

Kelly sent me!! I would love one, in fact I would love to take to you about ordering some vinal too, wouldn't these make great Mother's day gifts!! :)

Ashley Wray said...

Oh my goodness Misti, those turned out al adorable! Go you! Sign me up and I'm thinking if I lose (which I probably will because I never win anything) I want some vinyl to do the big one!

Andrea said...

I want to win!!! And I have got the stuff to make the big one! How is Blackfoot?

MyFavoriteThings said...

Put my name in. I am almost done with my clock. Oh and I lost you address already so you have got e-mail it to me. My wallet " life" got stolen this week. So I am a little behind on every thing. - heidi

MyFavoriteThings said...

Oh p.a. The swing shell earings and the Misti blue ones are yours. Check out my blog to see them.

Seth said...

count me in too! It's very cute and so useful!

the hatch batch said...

So fun AGAIN! Good to know that other peope stay awake at night formulating lists like I do!! I will be emailing you for the big one!

The Maughan-sters said...

Hey Misti! Great ideas!!!! I could definately use this b'c I have to have my to-do list and am constantly writing things down!!! I'll take a picture of my cute Menu board that I won and post it on my blog. Is it okay if I add your cottagequotes email to my blog so you can just look at my blog?? Thanks!!!!!

Whitney said...

this idea is soo cute i came across it on someone else's blog as well. thought about making one .. but why make one when i have a chance to WIN one :) you're the best. keep up the creativity!

Chris and Molly Wambeke said...

Too Cute!

Anna said...

So cute!!! Count me in too!

C Tam said...

I'd love to win that cutest glass dry erase board. Wow, creative!

The Wrays said...

You do the cutest things! I am going to have to get with you about the give away you did two months ago. I want to make some for my kitchens at school. Thanks!

Trevor and Tara Wilde said...

Adorable!!!! I love it! Plus, your family is absolutely cute as always! We miss you guys tons!