Thursday, March 27, 2008

My Latest...

My dear Mother-in-law gave me this wonderful idea for the Tile Welcome! It turned out so classy and I have loved it! Definitely a new favorite of mine!

We have been SUPER busy! We recently had an open house for Cottage Quotes as well as a booth at a local Flea Market. Our craft closet is now stocked with adorable new items! So much fun! (many of our crafts our not pictured above, stay tuned for more pictures)


camandholls said...

Super cute idea!!!

Anonymous said...

those are so cute

Griffin Family said...

Hey Mist~
Those are SO cute!! I want that pink I am a Child of God for Madi!! No seriously, I really want it. Please let me know if I can and I will pay you!

Nels, Drea, and Crew said...

Great job! They all are super cute!!

Carol said...

Such cute ideas. I hope your new little business is doing good.

Chelsea and Cody said...

Woo-hoo for Cottage Quotes! They are adorable! I have a request! My mom, all growing up, on our Birthday we would get to eat on a RED plate that said "You are special today!" I want to have one for my this in the Cottage Quotes range of things to do?! Let me know! (I would like to be able to eat off of it if possible!) Thanks!

Sarah said...

Misti, Can I order just vinyl from you? Or does it need to be put on something? How long would it take? What would it cost me for something fairly small & short? Will you send it to me?