Finally, pulling in a diagonal, slowly remove the application tape and you are FINISHED! YEAH!
~To do an 'over-lay': Repeat the above process; only this time centering it in accordance with first phrase placed.
Decorate your home with the classic look of Vinyl Lettering.
~To do an 'over-lay': Repeat the above process; only this time centering it in accordance with first phrase placed.
The ideas, colors, fonts are endless! Vinyl is a perfect way to personalize your Mother's Day gift. And let's not forget about Grandmas, Sisters, Aunts, Cousins, Girlfriends....we're all mamas! So please help us Save the Mamas! Here's how it works:
We'll start the bidding at $5! Leave a comment with your bidding amount. For those without google accounts- email me and I will leave the comment and post it! Remember 100% of proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. The winning amount will also get Luminarias in donations of ten dollars (for example, $20 bid gets 2 18x18 vinyl orders & 2 luminarias). What's a Luminaria? Read about it HERE! Please please Please spread the word! We will end the auction on Tuesday night! Highest bid WINS!
Let the bidding BEGIN!
do I hear $5?